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Character slots

Character slots

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This article outlines slot classification, slot position, and usage effects.

Slot Introduction

Slot Definition: Slots are different points reserved based on character models. Players can use slots to attach objects to character models, such as prefabricated components or objects, to achieve the effect of dressing up, and additional objects move and rotate along with the character model.

Slot functions are currently divided into two categories:[humanoid slot] and[non-humanoid slot]

  • [Humanoid Slot]: According to the effect of mannequin appearance, the slot position is set to facilitate the user to place weapons, wings, effects, titles and other effects.

  • [Non-Humanoid slot]: the slot position is set based on the effect of non-Humanoid appearance, convenient for the user to place weapons, prop decoration and other effects.

Humanoid appearance slot

Description of humanoid slots

Enum NameEnumeration Serial NumberApplication Description
Hair0Place hair cards, hats and other decorations
Head1Place decorations such as masks
LeftHead2Place decorations such as elf ears
RightHead3Place decorations such as elf ears
Glasses4Place decorations such as glasses
Eyes5Place decorations such as glasses
FaceOrnamental6Place decorations such as masks
Mouse7Place decorations such as cigarettes, whistles, lollipops
LeftShoulder8Assembling character models may require
RightShoulder9Assembling character models may require
LeftGlove10Place decorations such as boxing covers
RightGlove11Place decorations such as boxing covers
BackOrnamental12Place decorations such as flying props, effects
LeftBack13Place decorations such as flying props, effects
RightBack14Place decorations such as flying props, effects
LeftHand15Place weapons, interactive props, etc.
RightHand16Place weapons, interactive props, etc.
LeftFoot17Placement of footwear decorations
RightFoot18Placement of footwear decorations
Buttocks19Place decorations such as leprechaun tails
Rings20Place decorations such as halo effects
Nameplate21Place name, title, blood strip and other UI effects
ChatFrame22UI effect for placing chat boxes
Root23Since the root node does not wobble with character movements and is relatively stable, some sole effects are placed, etc.
LeftLowerArm24Assembling character models may require
RightLowerArm25Assembling character models may require
LeftThigh26Assembling character models may require
RightThigh27Assembling character models may require
LeftCalf28Assembling character models may require
RightCalf29Assembling character models may require
FirstpersonCamera30First-person cameras can be placed

Slot Description: Characters have a large number of slots, some slots may only be used when assembling characters, of course slot position is not appropriate, can also be fine-tuned by modifying the object's relative position and relative rotation.

Description: There are two ways to use the humanoid slot, in the character editor and in scripts.

Slot usage of the character editor


In the Character Appearance Editor, click the Attachments tab.

Under the [Attachments] page and find the slot we need.

Then click [Add] to display the objects that can be attached.

Finally, from the Asset library, find the corresponding [Object] or [Prefab] and drag it into the modified item slot. Then slot effects can be seen in the viewport.

How to use the slot feature?

Attach objects to slots

Practical application: We can use slot function to put weapons and decorations or effects on characters to achieve the desired effects.

First we place the weapon assets of [29052] and the effects assets of [27704] on the priority loading list

Then place the script below to achieve results.

export default class NewScript extends Script {

    /** This function is called before the first frame update when the script is instanced */
    protected onStart(): void {
        // Get Player
        let chara = Player.localPlayer.character
        // Added aura effect
        let halo = GameObject.spawn("27704", {replicates: true}) as Effect;
        // Insert halo into character overhead slot
        chara.attachToSlot(halo, HumanoidSlotType.Nameplate);
        // New object_steel sword
        let sword = GameObject.spawn("29052")
        // Press "1" to trigger the following logic
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, () => {
            // Insert the "steel sword" into the character's right hand slot
            chara.attachToSlot(sword, HumanoidSlotType.RightHand)
export default class NewScript extends Script {

    /** This function is called before the first frame update when the script is instanced */
    protected onStart(): void {
        // Get Player
        let chara = Player.localPlayer.character
        // Added aura effect
        let halo = GameObject.spawn("27704", {replicates: true}) as Effect;
        // Insert halo into character overhead slot
        chara.attachToSlot(halo, HumanoidSlotType.Nameplate);
        // New object_steel sword
        let sword = GameObject.spawn("29052")
        // Press "1" to trigger the following logic
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, () => {
            // Insert the "steel sword" into the character's right hand slot
            chara.attachToSlot(sword, HumanoidSlotType.RightHand)

Modify object position

Function Description: When the position of the object inserted into the slot is not appropriate, we can change the position effect of the object by modifying the relative position of the object or the slot position, but since slot position affects the position of all additional objects inserted into the slot, we recommend modifying the effect by changing the position of the object itself.

Slot Position Modify:

// Get Player
let chara = Player.localPlayer.character 
// Set character [right hand slot] position
chara.description.advance.slotAndDecoration.slot[HumanoidSlotType.RightHand].slotOffset.position = new Vector(10, 0, -10)
// Set rotation of character [right hand slot]
chara.description.advance.slotAndDecoration.slot[HumanoidSlotType.RightHand].slotOffset.rotation = new Rotation(0, 0, 180)
// Set scale of character [right hand slot]
chara.description.advance.slotAndDecoration.slot[HumanoidSlotType.RightHand].slotOffset.scale =
// Get Player
let chara = Player.localPlayer.character 
// Set character [right hand slot] position
chara.description.advance.slotAndDecoration.slot[HumanoidSlotType.RightHand].slotOffset.position = new Vector(10, 0, -10)
// Set rotation of character [right hand slot]
chara.description.advance.slotAndDecoration.slot[HumanoidSlotType.RightHand].slotOffset.rotation = new Rotation(0, 0, 180)
// Set scale of character [right hand slot]
chara.description.advance.slotAndDecoration.slot[HumanoidSlotType.RightHand].slotOffset.scale =

Slot Position Modify:

// Modify the local position and size of the character's aura effect
halo.localTransform = new Transform(new Vector(-50, 0, -50),new Rotation(0, 90, 0),new Vector(3, 3, 3));
// Modify the local position and size of the character's aura effect
halo.localTransform = new Transform(new Vector(-50, 0, -50),new Rotation(0, 90, 0),new Vector(3, 3, 3));

Separate objects from slots

Functional description: Separate means that the additional object is no longer bound to the character's slot. The object will disengage from the slot and appear independently in the world.

Sample script:

// Separate character aura effect
// Separate character aura effect

Effect diagram:

Remove an object from the slot

Functional description: Object removal is the complete deletion of an object from the world.

Sample script:

// Remove character aura effect
// Remove character aura effect

Effect diagram:

Non-Humanoid appearance slot

Both humanoid and non-humanoid slots are used consistently, see above for a description of slot locations for each different appearance.

Four-foot Slot Description

Enum NameEnumeration Serial NumberApplication Description
Root0Since the root node does not wobble with the action and is relatively stable, some sole effects are placed, etc.
Chest1Place decorations such as breasts
UpperSpine2Place decorations such as back
LowerSpine3Place decorations such as back
Neck4Place decorations such as necks, tags, etc.
Head5Place decorations such as glasses, hats, etc.
FrontalLeftFoot6Place attack effects and props, etc.
FrontalRightFoot7Place attack effects and props, etc.
RearLeftFoot8Place attack effects and props, etc.
RearRightFoot9Place attack effects and props, etc.
Tail10Place tail decorations

Sample script:

// Added aura effect
let halo = GameObject.spawn("27704",{ replicates: true }) as Effect;
// Insert the halo into the header slot of the non-human object
chara.attachToSlot(halo, NonHumanoidType.Head);
// Added aura effect
let halo = GameObject.spawn("27704",{ replicates: true }) as Effect;
// Insert the halo into the header slot of the non-human object
chara.attachToSlot(halo, NonHumanoidType.Head);

Fish Slot Description

Name in ChineseEnum NameEnumeration Serial NumberApplication Description
Root NodeRoot0Since the root node does not wobble with the action and is relatively stable, some sole effects are placed, etc.
Thoracic cavityChest1Place decorations such as breasts
Upper spineUpperSpine2Place decorations such as back
Lower spineLowerSpine3Place decorations such as back
HeadHead5Place decorations such as glasses, hats, etc.
TailTail10Place tail decorations
Upper finFrontalRightFoot7Place attack effects and props, etc.
Left fin.RearLeftFoot8Place attack effects and props, etc.
Right fin.RearRightFoot9Place attack effects and props, etc.

Western Dragon Slot Description

Name in ChineseEnum NameEnumeration Serial NumberApplication Description
Root NodeRoot0Since the root node does not wobble with the action and is relatively stable, some sole effects are placed, etc.
Thoracic cavityChest1Place decorations such as breasts
Upper spineUpperSpine2Place decorations such as back
Lower spineLowerSpine3Place decorations such as back
Neck.Neck4Place decorations such as necks, tags, etc.
HeadHead5Place decorations such as glasses, hats, etc.
Left front foot.FrontalLeftFoot6Place attack effects and props, etc.
Right front foot.FrontalRightFoot7Place attack effects and props, etc.
Left hind foot.RearLeftFoot8Place attack effects and props, etc.
Right hind foot.RearRightFoot9Place attack effects and props, etc.
TailTail10Place tail decorations
Left WingLeftWing19Place flight effects
Right wing.RightWing18Place flight effects

Orient Dragon Slot Description

Name in ChineseEnum NameEnumeration Serial NumberApplication Description
Root NodeRoot0Since the root node does not wobble with the action and is relatively stable, some sole effects are placed, etc.
Thoracic cavityChest1Place decorations such as breasts
Upper spineUpperSpine2Place decorations such as back
Lower spineLowerSpine3Place decorations such as back
Neck.Neck4Place decorations such as necks, tags, etc.
HeadHead5Place decorations such as glasses, hats, etc.
Left front foot.FrontalLeftFoot6Place attack effects and props, etc.
Right front foot.FrontalRightFoot7Place attack effects and props, etc.
Left hind foot.RearLeftFoot8Place attack effects and props, etc.
Right hind foot.RearRightFoot9Place attack effects and props, etc.
TailTail10Place tail decorations