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Material Editor

Material Editor

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Help developers quickly understand and use Material Editor, this article contains the following

(1) what is a material editor, (2) how to use a material editor


What is the Material Editor

  • Material editor supports developers to modify material properties to achieve customized material effects


How to use Material Editor

Material Editor View Structure

  • Material Editor consists of the following sections


1. Menu Bar

  • [Project] Save function provided after clicking drop down


  • [View] After clicking the drop-down menu, provide the implicit switch of [Asset library], [Main viewport], [Property panel] and [Restore Default Layout] function


  • [undo] and [redo] modification operations on material properties


2. Asset library

  • Provides all the operational features of a normal asset library, but only shows assets under the scene texture classification

3. Main viewport

  • Provides all operations of the normal main viewport for previewing material display

4. Property Panel

  • Provides material specific property panels to support developer modifications to material properties

Create custom materials

  • Select the model in the object manager that you want to modify the material, click the edit button under the material properties bar to open the material editor


  • After performing a save operation within the Material Editor, create custom materials and reference them to the selected model


Edit customized materials

  • After creating a custom material, there are two entries to open the material editor, different entries affect the preview model in the viewport

1. Select the model that references the material, click the edit button under the material properties bar, will directly use the current model to preview material effects


2. Double-click material in the project content or click the edit button in the top right corner of the icon to preview material effects using the unified model


Use my assets

  • Currently material editor can only show public assets in asset library, not scene texture in my assets
  • To use a personal uploaded but undisclosed asset, you can Separate the material editor viewport and drag the scene texture from the My Assets page under the main editor viewport

Material properties

CategoryNameEffectsModification Method
Mode selectionMaterial modeToggle display mode of materials
Opaque mode: means that the material has no transparent effect, the most common mode, and the least performance mode
Masked mode: Mostly used to represent the skeleton of leaves, wire mesh, etc. The purpose of this mode is to save the number of triangles, so that the information of the skeleton on the surface of the model can be done on the texture.
Translucent mode: Mostly used for large areas such as glass, water, etc. Transparency effect in large areas. Transparency effect is more silky and natural, but when two semi-permeable model bounding boxes overlap (or when the model itself is not a convex bag), it is prone to sort out problems
Drop down box selection toggle
Mode selectionPhysical ModeSwitch physical mode of material
Base mode: Physical base mode for color, metallization, roughness, AO (Ambient Occlusion), self-luminescent color and anisotropy based on numerical properties
Advanced mode: Physical advanced mode for color, metallization, roughness, AO (Ambient Occlusion), self-luminescent color and anisotropic texture properties based on texture texture properties
Drop down box selection toggle
Mode selectionTexture coordinate modeUse world coordinates
Use UV coordinates
Drop down box selection toggle
Tone MapSaturationSets the final color saturation. The greater the value, the higher the saturation, the smaller the value, and the lower the saturation. When the value is 0, the color is gray.Drag slider/direct input
Tone MapHueSet the final color hueSet through Color Picker
TranslucencyPinch opacityAchieves hole-piercing transparency, best when values are 0.25, 0.5, 0.75Drag slider/direct input
TranslucencyRandom seedScreen pixel space random seed to determine different pricked pixel positionsDrag slider/direct input
TranslucencyGlobal Opacityequal to 1 minus translucentDrag slider/direct input
Texture coordinatesTiling rate by texture/directionSets the tiling rate for each coordinate direction of the regional color texture (the larger the value, the denser the tiling)Drag slider/direct input
Texture coordinatesOffset by texture/directionSet coordinate direction offsets for each region textureDrag slider/direct input
Texture coordinatesFlow velocity by texture/directionSets the translation speed of each region texture in each coordinate direction. The larger the value, the faster the X axis translation speed. When set to 0, the speed is 0.Drag slider/direct input
Texture coordinatesWorld coordinate normal Z-direction scale (check Show world coordinate display)Normal Z scale affecting position of texture coordinates converted from world positionDrag slider/direct input
Base PropertiesColor textureSet main area color textureReference scene texture
Base PropertiesDiffuse colorSet Main Area Diffuse ColorSet through Color Picker
Base PropertiesOpacity minimum/maximumSet the main area opacity minimum/maximumDrag slider/direct input
Base PropertiesSpecular StrengthSet non-metallic base reflectivity, no reflection effect when parameter is set to 0Drag slider/direct input
Base PropertiesMRAE textureSet the MRAE texture intensity for the main area, R channel in texture map: Metallicity, G channel: Roughness, Channel B: AO (Ambient Occlusion) Channel A: Self-luminescenceReference scene texture
Base PropertiesMRAE intensity minimum/maximumSet the MRAE minimum/maximum value for the main area. R channel: Metallicity, G channel: Roughness, Channel B: AO (Ambient Occlusion), Channel A: Self-luminescent intensitySet through Color Picker
Base PropertiesNormal textureSet main area normal textureReference scene texture
Base PropertiesBase Normal IntensitySets the normal mix ratio for the main areaSet through Color Picker
Base PropertiesAnisotropic textureSet anisotropic textures: R is the anisotropic tangent x component, G is the anisotropic tangent y component, and B is the anisotropic strengthReference scene texture
Base PropertiesAnisotropySets the anisotropy of the main area with no anisotropy effect when parameter is 0Drag slider/direct input
Base PropertiesAnisotropy minimum/maximum valueSets the minimum/maximum value of anisotropy for the main areaDrag slider/direct input
Details PropertiesDetail normal textureSets the normal texture of the detail areaReference scene texture
Details PropertiesDetail normal strengthSets the normal blending ratio for the detail areaSet through Color Picker
DecalsDecal color textureSet decal area color textureReference scene texture
DecalsDecal diffuse colorSets the diffuse color of the decal areaSet through Color Picker
DecalsDecal Opacity Minimum/MaximumSet decal area opacity minimum/maximumDrag slider/direct input
Cartoon renderingcartoon shadow contrastSets the shadow contrast for cartoon coloring. PBR if 0, full cartoon rendering if 1Drag slider/direct input
Cartoon renderingCartoon shadow minimum/maximumSet minimum/maximum shadow value for cartoon coloringDrag slider/direct input
Cartoon renderingCartoon indirect diffuse intensityImage-based lighting diffuse reflection intensityDrag slider/direct input
Cartoon renderingCartoon indirect diffuse transparencyImage-based lighting reflection AlphaDrag slider/direct input
Cartoon renderingCartoon indirect highlight transparencyImage-based lighting highlights intensityDrag slider/direct input
Cartoon renderingCartoon Highlight ColorSet Bright Area ColorSet through Color Picker
Cartoon renderingCartoon Shadow ColorSet Dark Area ColorSet through Color Picker
Breathing lightBreathing light Global/Emissive Mask ModeWhen unchecked (False), the Emissive area is effective for the whole material, and the Emissive channel (A channel) of MRAE map in the base property will be invalid. When checked (True), the Emissive area is based on the Emissive channel of MRAE map in the base property (Note that setting 1 is invalid for low graphics quality)Check Settings
Breathing lightBreathing light frequencySets the breath light level change amplitude. 0 means no breath effect. 1 means 16.0 seconds/cycle. 2 means 8.0 seconds/cycle. 3 means 4.0 seconds/cycle. 4 means 2.0 seconds/cycle. 5 means 1.0 seconds/cycle. 6 means 0.5 seconds/cycle. 7 means 0.25 seconds/cycle.Drag slider/direct input
Breathing lightBreathing light colorSet the color of the breathing lightSet through Color Picker
SubsurfaceColorSets the backlight color of the SubsurfaceSet through Color Picker
SubsurfaceFresnel hardnessSets the Fresnel (normal viewing angle dot product) hardness of the surface. The greater the value, the weaker the Fresnel effect.Drag slider/direct input
SubsurfaceBacklight hardnessSet the backlight (lighting angle dot product) hardness, the greater the value the stronger the Subsurface transition, the weaker the Subsurface effectDrag slider/direct input
SubsurfaceBack-face RangeSet the Subsurface back range, the larger the value the larger the range, when set to 0 the dark has no Subsurface effectDrag slider/direct input
SubsurfaceBack-face attenuationSets the attenuation range of the Subsurface in the backlight, the larger the value the larger the rangeDrag slider/direct input