Transform tool
Move (W), Rotate (E), Scale (R) buttons in the toolbar to toggle the Transform tool's mode
Move Tool
Drag the red/green/blue pivot to move the selected object along the corresponding axis (X/Y/Z axis)

Drag the red/green/blue control surface to move the selected object along the corresponding plane (YZ/XZ/XY plane)

Rotate Tool
Drag the red/green/blue pivot to rotate the selected object along the corresponding axis (X/Y/Z axis)

Drag the outer white pivot to select object for plane rotation along the current view

Drag sphere area, select object for track sphere rotation

Scale Tool
Click the right side of the control to expand the drop-down panel and select Scale Mode: Axis Scale/Box Scale
Box scale
Drag the red/green/blue control point and select the object to scale along the corresponding axis (X/Y/Z axis) with the control point

- Hold down the Shift key to select objects for triaxial isometric scaling along the control point direction

- On multiple selection, the selected object scales three axes isometrically along the control point direction

Axis scaling
- Drag the red/green/blue pivot and select objects to scale along the corresponding axis (X/Y/Z axis)

- Drag the red/green/blue triangle to scale the selected object along the corresponding plane (YZ/XZ/XY plane)

- Drag the center point of the axis scaling tool and select objects for triaxial isometric scaling

"Center/Anchor" mode
Toggle Center/Anchor mode to change the position of the center point of the Transform tool and how the selected object rotates/scales
When center mode is selected, the center point of the Transform tool is at the geometric center of the selected object; when anchor mode is selected, the center point of the Transform tool is at the anchor of the selected object (when multiple selections are made, at the anchor of the last selected object)
When center mode is selected, selected objects will rotate/scale relative to their geometric center (when multi-selected, rotate/scale relative to the geometric center of all selected objects); when anchor mode is selected, selected objects will rotate/scale relative to their anchors (when multi-selected, rotate/scale relative to their respective anchors)
When mesh is turned on, objects move, rotate, or scale in a set number of units
You can click the drop-down button to select mesh values from preset values, or you can enter values directly (move tool supports integers 1-1000, rotate tool supports integers 1-360, scale tool supports decimals 0.0625-10.0)
"World/Local" Axis
Switch the "world/local" axis to change the coordinate system of the Transform tool
When selecting world axis, Transform tool uses world coordinate system (selected object will change under world coordinate system)

When selecting a local axis, the Transform tool uses the local coordinate system of the selected object (the selected object will change under the local coordinate system)

Summon Transform Tool
If the model is too large and the Transform tool is not in the main viewport lens, you can hold down the Tab key and summon the Transform tool at the cursor position (release the Tab key and the Transform tool redos to the default position)